Since our parents were both only-children my sister Tami, brother Torey and I always called the Gowans “Aunt Michele and Uncle Donny. From the time we were very young we loved to hear our parents tell all the fun stories from high school about the great times they had with Michele and Donny, Linda and Tony Gero and Lynn Johnson and to us they were the aunts and uncles we did not have. I especially treasure the memories of going to the Jersey Shore in the Summer when we were little – it was always the highlight of the trip when Michele and Donny arrived, the party would get started, but Donny would always play with us on the beach, throw us in the waves and dig in the sand – we all loved him so much! Any time we got to spend with all of you was always special!
Later, as adults, we were honored to have all the gang from Madison celebrate Tami’s wedding and my wedding with us and it really was a highlight of any year for my parents when they got to spend time with their oldest, dearest friends.
I can say for my mom especially how she loved you all. I found some photos in one of mom’s albums. I think they are from 1994 at a birthday party for Donny…
Tami, Torey and I are sending our love Michele and big hugs,

Submitted by:
Lisa Treganowen Reynolds